Shaggy Haircuts

A very popular haircut that works well no matter your hair length or texture is the shaggy haircut. Going to shaggy can just make your hair look very messy, but to achieve that slightly unkempt, sexy look you need a layered cut with a little bit of shag. Shaggy cuts can reduce the amount of frizz in your hair and works for all hair lengths.

The key to the shaggy haircut is to have your hair cut into many different length layers. This ultimately really is its own style and does not require a lot of styling each morning. You can enhance facial attributes like cheekbones whit a shaggy cut and men can bring out a stronger jaw line with a shaggy do.

The shag is also known as out of the bedroom hair as it looks slightly unkempt, or as if you've recently been enjoying yourself. This slightly chaotic but clean look is particularly sexy no matter if you are a male of female.

Shag cuts work great for curly or frizzy medium length hair as long as you stick to long layers. Shorter layers will cause your hair to frizz and poof out. The long shag is popular for rock star hair and only needs some product. Let it air dry and your styling is done. Long shag haircuts work particularly well for those with very fine hair and is also good for those with thick hair as it can lighten your hair weight dramatically. If you have very fine hair then you should try a wavy shag haircut as it gives your hair some volume.

The shag was very popular in the 70s and now it is back. However the new popular shag is more for short to medium long hair, unlike the 70s, which favored long shag cuts. It is super sleek and easy to style. It also should include some angles around your face to frame your beautiful smile.

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